Friday, 11 May 2012

Hi Ruth, I dont like this blogging and I dont see the point of it, but I'm sure in 6 weeks I will love it and understand it.


  1. Hi Helen
    It has taken me about 20 minutes to figure out where to find everybody's blogs, but to my relief, here I am.
    The sun is shining and I would rather be outside than writing a blog (I am so old-fashioned!)

  2. Well, I have actually managed to access my blogger accountand had a nightmare.
    Unit 6 has been great I have found all the tasks interesting and challenging, however getting onto this site is so difficult.

  3. During the weeks of unit 6, I initially completed my prezi, it tiik some time to get used to how you add the different slides, font and animation but I got there and I have to say I am really pleased with end result, colleagues thought it was really good and I have been asked to present to the hair and beauty girls and explain the concept and introduce them to the site. I have had a complete change of mind with regards to e-learning.

  4. Technology is changing so quick all the time I feel I have not got enough time to keep up with it. Even doing a blog I dont find it the natural thing to do I would rather pick up a book or a pen and piece of paper, but what I have realised during this unit is the impact and importance of e-learning /technology.
    I am more than happy to learn anything new whether it regards work or my interests outside, but working with technology will make my teaching more interesting for me and learners and make aspects of my job easier and more organised.
